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Our vision is to bring clarity during stressful situations that arise from daily life challenges – large and small – which can complicate the overall decision-making process.  Our mission is to provide targeted services that empower seniors, and their family members and caregivers.  Our goal is to know our clients on a personal level.  This enables us to step in at any time and provide consistent, professional services that support the senior client and the entire support network. 

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About TrustEd Champions

In 2016, Ed Peterman founded TrustEd Champions for Seniors LLC with a bold mission to assist seniors with critical life decisions based on sound research and the highest ethical principles. TrustEd Champions serves Washington, DC and the adjacent Maryland suburbs.  



Trusted Champions' approach to assisting seniors is all-inclusive and revolves around the areas of Body and Soul, Home and Safety, and Assets and Resources. By targeting these three components in a senior's life, the company acts as a trusted advocate and champion for the overall greater good of seniors, overseeing a wide array of important matters — from tracking medical appointments and securing household supplies to protecting seniors from financial abuse. 


"Being the primary caregiver for my elderly mother, who has significant dementia and physical disabilities, has been oftentimes overwhelming. Ed Peterman broke down the priorities of dealing with the situation in a logical, sequential, and effective way... We've been able to optimize the quality of my mother's life while maximizing her safety, health and financial viability. Ed combines competence and compassion in a way I have rarely observed." - Lyle M.